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 Version française Deutsche Übersetzung Nederlandse versie

Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre


| Steam engines | Diesel engines |

N.B. : Bold number show working order engines.

Steam engines

No.EngineBuilderBuild. yearPowerBuild. number
3030T DECAUVILLEDecauville192850 ch.1825
4040T DFBKrauss191770 ch.7373
5030T DECAUVILLEDecauville191650 ch.1652
7040 BORSIGBorsig191850 ch.10334
8040 VULCANVulcan-Werke1925150/180 ch.3852
10040 KDLFranco-Belge1945250/300 ch.2836
11030T 3-6Orenstein & Koppel1915ca. 100 ch.8083
12050T 5-3Orenstein & Koppel1917ca. 150 ch.8285
13040T DFBOrenstein & Koppel191870 ch.8627

Diesel engines

No.EngineBuilderBuild. yearPowerBuild. number
T21"BOURRON"Billard193775 ch.102 T75 D
T22ORENSTEINOrenstein & Koppel196375 ch.26240
T23PLYMOUTHPlymouth194675 ch.5117
T24"TATRA"Coferna1941200 ch.122
T25"IVECO"Coferna1941180 ch.123
T26JUNGArn-Jung193711 ch.7481
T27WEITZJ. Weitz CACL-10/15 ch.-
T28SOCOFERSocofer196840 ch.334 SCF 303
T29SOCOFERSocofer196840 ch.333 SCF 303
T30BILLARDBillard1958100 ch.232 T75 G
T31BILLARDBillard1958100 ch.233 T75 G
T33BALDWINBaldwin191750 HP49192
T34PLYMOUTHPlymouth1945100 ch.4841 6 DHD
T35PLYMOUTHPlymouth1945100 ch.4846 6 DLD
T36BALDWINBaldwin191750 HP49966
T37SIMPLEXMotor Rail Ltd1916/1820 HP7433
T38SIMPLEXMotor Rail Ltd1916/1820 HP7450
T39GMEINDERGmeinder & Co193918 ch.2462
T40TM603Decauville195960 ch.-
T41"Chaise"CPMR-9 ch.66
T42DEUTZDeutz194024 ch.OMZ 33481
T44PLYMOUTHPlymouth194612 ch.5106
T45TMB45Decauville-45 ch.-
T46FAURFAUR1984180 ch.24964 - L18H 006
-SPEEDERFairbanks-Morse1917-Draisine US