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Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre
2018 Season
- Adults : 10,50 Euros.
- Children : 7,00 Euros (from 5 to 12 years old).
- Free under 5 years old.
Prices include the return journey, a part with a steam engine, the other part with a diesel engine, and the visit of the Narrow gauge railways museum, the biggest narrow gauge railways museum (1800 m²).
- Save money !
On Green and Blue days (See timetable) :
Adult return fare : 9,30 Euros instead of 10,50 Euros (Limited travel or Diesel engine).
Child return fare : 6,30 Euros instead of 7,00 Euros (Limited travel or Diesel engine).
- Museum entrance only : 4,50 Euros (Museum entrance free for child under 12 years old accompanied by an adult).
- Special prices for groups.
See groups leaflet and booking form (PDF)
Please contact us for more information.
- Footplate experience :
The P'tit train de la Haute Somme invites you to join the steam crew during one normal service day. To learn about the steam engines or just for fun ! From starting the fire in the morning to the return to the shed in the evening, come and enjoy steam and the operation of a narrow gauge railway.
More informations...
See 2018 leaflet (PDF)
For more information, please contact APPEVA office.
