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Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre

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  • 2d November 2013
    Our carpenter complete the building of two Pershing wagon doors, while two wagons are in the wood workshop to replace some parts in poor conditions. In the locomotive workshop, control linkages of the new ashpan of Vulcan steam locomotive are rebuilt, while steam locomotive are prepare for the winter.

    Pershing doors Vulcan ashpan Vulcan ashpan Locomotives Wintering locomotives Wintering locomotives

  • 22d October 2013
    A new ashpan is built for our Vulcan steam locomotive. When it'll be in place, the boiler will be definitively fixed to the frame. On the smokebox side, the exhaust will find new flanges.

    Vulcan ashpan Vulcan ashpan Vulcan exhaust

  • 7th October 2013
    The 060 Decauville was on the road again last weekend. It took parts to the rail feast in the SNCF depot at Longueau, near Amiens. While being on static display on a lorry, it was steamed on Sunday. Just for the pleasure to hear its whistle ! We took the opportunity to give to ARPDO-Rotonde 80 society's president an oil tin from Longueau Depot that we had in our collection.

    Longueau rail feast Longueau rail feast Longueau rail feast Back from Longueau rail feast

  • 28th September 2013
    The cabin of Vulcan steam locomotive return on the frame, the chimney temporarily put in place, the tender coupled, and it now looks like a real locomotive again. The Vulcan will be dispalyed in our museum during our 29th September steam event and be discovered by all our visitors.

    Vulcan Locomotive Vulcan Locomotive

  • 24th September 2013
    After painting, the boiler of Vulcan steam locomotive was fixed on the frame. The smokebox door find its place.

    Vulcan Locomotive Vulcan Locomotive Vulcan Locomotive

  • 17th September 2013
    Vehicles came back from St Laurent Blangy today. 6 representations were performed in a very good atmosphere. A large and delighted audience every night and by chance a correct weather. Appointment is already made for the 16th edition on 5th, 6th, 12d, 13th, 19th and 20th September 2014.

    St Laurent show St Laurent show St Laurent show St Laurent show St Laurent show St Laurent show

  • 15th September 2013
    Unloaded just on time for Heritage Day, the new boiler of Vulcan steam locomotive was in the center of vehicles displayed at our workshop. Shuttles were organised to our workshop, usually closed to visitors. Visitors were really interested to discover our workshop and works in progress. Some of them had the possibility to drive an engine. It was a successfull day.

    Heritage Day Heritage Day

  • 12th September 2013
    Today was a big day in Vulcan steam locomotive restoration ! The new boiler was delivered, with the old one, by the builder. The old boiler was unloaded on a wagon, while the new one took place on the locomotive frame. Works will now continue. There's still a lot of parts to put together before the end of works. By this time, another small project continue... The frame of the small vehicle from Tramway de Pithiviers à Toury has wheels again.

    Vulcan new boiler Vulcan new boiler Vulcan new boiler Vulcan new boiler Vulcan new boiler Vulcan new boiler TPT vehicle

  • 29th August 2013
    OUr 060 Decauville and 2 Péchot wagons were loaded today to be sent to St Laurent Blangy, near Arras, to be part of the Light and Sound show Histoires et Rêves d'Artois. A unique spectacle we recommand to see !

    Decauville at St Laurent

  • 23rd August 2013
    Trains runs actually every day, except on monday. In addition to Diesel hauled trains, a special steam train ran this morning for a group. Franco-Belge N°10 was lit at 7:00 a.m. This was an opportunity to test the new generator installed on this locomotive. And it works ! It still need a new exhaust.

    Diesel train in the Zig-Zag Diesel train in the Zig-Zag Diesel train in the Zig-Zag 7:00 a.m. ! It works !

  • 16th August 2013
    Frame of the small vehicle from Tramway de Pithiviers à Toury is under restoration. Now in parts, it seems very light !

    TPT vehicle

  • 3rd August 2013
    The two bogies for the DFB tender are complete and will be placed under the tender again.

    DFB tender Bogies

  • 21st July 2013
    Just for the pleasure, photo shot with our 3 diesel engines recently repainted since last winter.

    Diesel fleet Diesel fleet Diesel fleet

  • 14th July 2013
    Bogies of the DFB tender are still under attention of our young members. Parts after parts, everything is cleaned, painted, assembled...
    On July 12th, a agreement was signed with the Heritage Fundation to launch an appela to raise fund for our Vulcan steam locomotive, listed as an Historic Monument. You can make a donation, on the Heritage Fundation website to be part of this project.

    DFB tender Bogies DFB tender Bogies Heritage Fundation - Vulcan Heritage Fundation - Vulcan

  • 30th June 2013
    A modeller visit us today with some of his hand built models. And it's really interesting models as it's 1/18th scale and build from P'tit train de la Haute Somme vehicles. Our 0-6-0 Decauville meet its miniature double.

    1/18th models 1/18th models 1/18th models 1/18th models 1/18th models

  • 9th June 2013
    Socofer T29 is now operationnal. Electric wires and paint were renewed. It just need new windows and number on the buffer plate.

    Socofer T29 Socofer T29

  • 8th June 2013
    A new vehicle arrived at Froissy today. This is an historic hand-propelled vehicle built at several units for the Tramway de Pithiviers à Toury (Loiret). This vehicle was displayed since years at Oléron island entrance by the Tramway Touristique de St Trojan. It is now preserved at Froissy and will be restored soon.

    TPT vehicle TPT vehicle TPT vehicle

  • 5th May 2013
    The show is sometimes on the car park. A group of old cars owners visited us today. A good occasion to see nice old mechanics.

    Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars

  • 21st April 2013
    6th Trail of the P'tit train, organised by AMAAC, took place today under a good weather. More than 600 people took parts to this event to discover our area. Two trains ran this morning with T25 and T31.

    6th Trail 6th Trail 6th Trail 6th Trail 6th Trail Billard T31 in the Zig-Zag 2 trains at terminus

  • 13th April 2013
    Test runs of our steam locomotives were made today. Socofer T29 is in the workshop for re-assembly. In the wood workshop, the new wood roof of Vulcan 0-8-0 cab has been made, while a Pershing boxcar is nearly finished. And Billard T31 will take service soon.

    Steam tests Socofer T29 Vulcan cab roof Billard T31 Pershing Pershing

  • 7th April 2013
    Feldbahn watertank bogies have been removed from frame to be overhauled. All track have been relayed on front of the workshop, including the track on the new concrete floor. The first train of the season ran today for a group. T25 was the first engine to run on the rebuilt point at the end of the line.

    DFB bogies Workshop trackworks Workshop trackworks First 2013 train First 2013 train First 2013 train Dompierre new point First 2013 train

  • 16th February 2013
    Connecting rods are reinstalled on 080 Vulcan. Some parts have been replaced by new ones or overhauled by a contractor. In anticipation of future track works, several hundred meters of rails have been recover form a closed SNCF lined. Several days of works have been necessary to remove this rails and prepare the transport. Some other equipment will be saved from this line... Some more ballast have been unloaded in the workshop area, as some gravel.

    Vulcan works Rails unloading Rails unloading Workshop trackworks Workshop trackworks

  • 19th January 2013
    The Pershing boxcar under overhaul is nearlly completed. Doors are ready to be installed on it. It know need some paint works to be ready.

    Pershing boxcar Pershing boxcar

  • 9th January 2013
    Ballast was unloaded on the rebuilt track at the workshop. We now need to damp it and assure a good alignment of the track.

    Workshop trackworks Workshop trackworks

  • 19th January 2013
    The white coat of the winter is now well established in the Somme department. That has not prevented some volunteers come to work at Froissy, but privileging inside works ! Continue improving lighting and insulation in the workshop, final grading of road 3 in the workshop before put concrete, wood works on Pershing boxcar in major overhaul in carpentry. Here are a few exterior views of the surroundings of the Museum.

    Froissy under the snow... Froissy under the snow... Froissy under the snow... Froissy under the snow... Froissy under the snow... Froissy under the snow... Froissy under the snow... Froissy under the snow...

  • 1st December 2012
    Big working day today with 14 people on several works. The most visible was the beginning of reconstruction works of tracks on front of the workshop. 3 points were removed and excavation works were made, before to start rebuilding tracks on new sleepers. Excavation was made inside the workshop too. A concrete floor will be built under the third road. In the workshop, works continue to overhauled the body of T29 Socofer, while connecting rods are reassembled on Vulcan n°8 steam locomotive.

    Removing point Excavation works Excavation works Excavation works Laying tracks Laying point Laying tracks Excavation works in workshop Excavation works at workshop Building sleepers wall Socofer T29

  • 17th November 2012
    Our young volunteers start a new work : the complete overhaul of a DFB tender, built in WW1 for german army, to present it in our museum. Save years ago, it was waiting for some free hands... Work has now started, first by a complete cleaning and some repairs on metal parts. Several missing parts will have to be rebuilt. Watch this place to follow this job... By this time, some service trains run along Somme river where yellowed leaves begin to disappear branches.

    DFB tender Billard T31

  • 6th November 2012
    Coferna T24 and Socofer T29 Diesel locomotives will have this winter a complete cleaning of engine compartment and works on their bodywork. T24 will have its clutch overhauled.

    Coferna T24 Socofer T29

  • 27th October 2012
    A Pershing van join the wood workshop to replace some wood and metal parts in bad conditions. Maintain our rolling stock is a permanent job. Steam locomotives were prepare for the winter today. Several tasks are necessary to be sure it goes through winter without damage.

    Pershing van Prepare locomotives for winter Prepare locomotives for winter

  • 21st October 2012
    This morning, Alain Blondin, APPEVA's president, receive from Franck Beauvarlet, president of tourist commission of the "Poppy Country", the Tourism Gold medal. He receive it on decision of the Minister of Tourism for the work he has done for our society. Before this he received the Bronze medal in 1996 and the Silver medal in 2007. Alain Blondin is the president of APPEVA since 1977. Apart of Alain's involvement, this is all volunteers work who is recognized and celebrated.

    Gold medal Gold medal Gold medal

  • 20th October 2012
    Autumn is arrived along Somme river, a boat break the silence in the valley, while in the workshop some volunteers give attention to the farm tractor, still usefull for winter works. In the wood workshop, two Pershing boxcar doors were rebuilt and will join an overhauled wagon soon.

    A boat on the river... Farm tractor Wood workshop

  • 30th September 2012
    The end of season steam event took place on September 30th with a nice sun. Click on pictures below to see more.

  • 16th September 2012
    Huge success for Heritage day
    About 400 visitors join us for heritage day. As well as train ride, workshop visit had a great success and allow visitors to discover "behind the scene" of the "P'tit train". A lot of questions and interesting discussions beetwen volunteers and visitors who not always realize all the work made by volunteers all over the year. Drive an engine and museum guided tours were also available.

  • 3rd June 2012
    As part of a series of programs to be broadcast on BBC in England later this year, the presenter Michael Portillo came today with a team to visit P'tit train de la Haute Somme. This series will present various rail journeys made across Europe. The interest of the team has focused on the history of our line built for the first world war. A similar series devoted to the UK is being broadcast under the title "Great British Railway Journeys".

    Michael Portillo

  • 26th May 2012
    On the eve of the spring steam event, a new vehicle has just entered in the Museum. This is the Plymouth T35 Diesel locomotive after a complete restoration. He joined the Decauville skip wagons saved, like T35, in a Cement plant at Cantin, in the department of North.

    Plymouth T35 Plymouth T35 Plymouth T35

  • 22d May 2012
    May 22d, about fifty children of CP and CE1 classes of the Robert Doisneau school at Chaulnes met at the P'tit train museum to achieve a project planned since years. Flower beds have been built on the platform of the Museum and it is the children who made the plantations. By group, they also visited the museum and participated in games. After a picnic lunch taken on the plaform, a train ride was offered. It was a very good day out for childrens, and they learn things with flowers and in the museum.

    Flowers at museum Flowers at museum Flowers at museum

  • 19th May 2012
    With spring, shy this year, it's time to make weeding on the line thanks to a specially equipped wagon.


  • 12th May 2012
    With some second hand ballast, the siding track in the Z is completed, while a special Diesel train for a group is hauled by T24.

    Z track works Z track works Z track works

  • 22d April 2012
    The fifth edition of P'tit train Trail's was another success with 244 runners and 259 walkers. Organized by AMAAC ( http://trail-du-p-tit-train.wifeo.com ), this competition offers two distances for the trail, but also two distances for a walk which includes a train ride. Participants now come from all over France, proof of success of this event. It is also an opportunity to do a good deed since the trail supports the All with Mathieu group. See you in April 2013 for the 6th edition!
    At the workshop, the painting of Plymouth T35 Diesel locomotive is underway to presented this vehicle in the museum during the spring steam event.

    Trail 2012 Trail 2012 Trail 2012 Trail 2012 Plymouth engine

  • 18th April 2012
    A new milestone was reached today in the restoration of the Vulcan locomotive. The frame join its axles after complete overhaul of axles boxes, reprofiling wheels and overhaul of the frame itself. Work will now be able to continue by overhauled cylinders and connecting rods.

    Vulcan locomotive frame Vulcan locomotive frame Vulcan locomotive frame Vulcan locomotive frame

  • 12th April 2012
    While passengers coaches visit wokshop for a check-up before the beginning of the season, steam locomotives come back to life. After reassembling some accessories, refill the water in the boiler and then proceed to a steam test to control the locomotive. The 1916 built 030T Decauville was declared good for service today.

    Passengers coaches check-up Decauville test

  • 8th April 2012
    The first train of the season run today. This special train was booked by an old car club from Mont Saint Aignan, near Rouen. Some very beautifull cars were on the museum car park : E type Jaguar, Peugeot 202, Porsche, Ferrari, Citroën DS, Mercedes, Ford Mustang...

    First train and trees in bloom Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars

  • 17th March 2012
    We're close to the end of works on the Billard Diesel locomotive, after replacement of chains and cog wheel by new one. It'll be soon available for service trains. Axles boxes are now on Vulcan steam locomotive wheels after a complete overhaul. The frame of this locomotive will join its wheels soon.

    Billard Diesel Billard wheels Vulcan wheels

  • 3rd March 2012
    Some works were made on the Plateau to rebuilt fields crossings.

    Track works on the Plateau Track works on the Plateau

  • 7th January 2012
    Ballasting of the overhauled track section was made today, with the help of better temperature. Tamping will be made later in the month, while a second ballasting will be done in January. Overhaul of Vulcan locomotives axles boxes continue at the workshop. In the museum, improvements are made to the old workshop reconstitution in the roundhouse, see it at the end of April !

    Track works on the Plateau Track works on the Plateau Track works on the Plateau

  • 27th December 2011
    A pershing boxcar go out of the wood workshop after remplacement of lots of wood parts and a complete painting. Most of this wagons are outside, so it need a regular maintenance. Another boxcar took its place for the same work. At the workshop, young members clean and repaint 080 Vulcan locomotive axles, while another team is in charge of overhauled axles boxes.

    Pershing boxcar Vulcan axles

  • 17th December 2011
    One track of the "Z" yard has been rebuilt with "second-hand" rails. On the Plateau, new sleepers were transported on the works site just after delivered. 70 meters were rebuilt with 37 kg/m rails.

    Z Track works Track works on the Plateau Track works on the Plateau Track works on the Plateau
    Just to remember, one year ago, it was like this :

    Dompierre Track works

  • 11th December 2011
    Today was an unusual day for volunteers. A evacuation test with a train stopped in the tunnel, with a fire starting on the locomotive, was organised with emergency service. About 30 passengers, volunteers and friends of the railway, were in the train. An artificial smoke machine was placed in the tunnel. Once the train was stopped in the tunnel, the driver and the guard ask to passengers, including a disabled person, to evacuate the tunnel and wait for Bray-sur-Somme firemen. On their arrival, some passengers supposed to have breath smoke were take on, while another team join the tunnel to fight the fire. They use their individual respiratory system. Driver and Guard gave usefull informations concerning train position and technical data. The proximity of the canal was use to pump the necessary water. This test was usefull for volunteers and for firemen, because of the unusual intervention place. Thanks to firemen, for their devotion, and for helping us in this exercise.

    Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test Tunnel evacuation test

  • 10th December 2011
    Excavation works were made today on the Plateau. As soon as new sleepers will be delivered, the new track will be built. The Coferna T25 gearbox has been open following a difficulty to select a gear. It was repaired before the end of the day. The 080 Vulcan locomotive receive paint, while overhaul of different parts continue. One of our Pershing boxcar is in the wood workshop to change a big part of wood parts.

    Excavation works Excavation works Excavation works T25 gearbox Vulcan frame Pershing boxcar

  • 30th November 2011
    The 080 Vulcan steam locomotive wheels are actually overhauled by a subcontractor.

    Vulcan locomotive wheels

  • 29th November 2011
    After some track works in the Zig-Zag, works start on the Plateau on November 22d to continue track overhaul on the way to Dompierre. The track was removed on 205 meters before excavation works.

    Track works on the Plateau Track works on the Plateau Track works on the Plateau

  • 29th October 2011
    The T35 Plymouth engine, from Cantin Cement Works join the workshop for a cosmetic overhaul before to join the museum. Two Decauville skip wagons from this cement works are already displaid in the museum. This locomotive, built in 1945, still has its original Hercules Diesel engine with a chimney exhaust. Some final works are made on the 080 Vulcan steam locomotive tender before painting, while the locomotive frame overhaul continue.

    Plymouth T35 Plymouth T35 Vulcan tender Vulcan frame Vulcan frame

  • 15th October 2011
    The Pershing boxcar start its service today during a special steam train booked by Musée du Transport Urbain Bruxellois volunteers. There was some photo stop and run past helped by a beautifull sun.

    Pershing boxcar MTUB special steam train MTUB special steam train MTUB special steam train MTUB special steam train MTUB special steam train MTUB special steam train

  • 23rd September 2011
    France 3 Picardie, part of a national TV (France 3), was again at Froissy today for a live programm called Picardie Matin. Several live sequences were animated by Mathieu Guillerot, while several speakers of which Bernard Lacaule, founder member of our association (APPEVA), Franck Beauvarlet and Olivier Pachura, respectively President and member of the management committee of the Office de Tourisme du Pays du Coquelicot, David Blondin, APPEVA's Secretary, and Alain APPEVA's President.

    Live France 3 TV program Live France 3 TV program - Mathieu Guillerot Live France 3 TV program - Bernard Lacaule Live France 3 TV program - Franck Beauvarlet et Olivier Pachura Live France 3 TV program - David Blondin Live France 3 TV program - Alain Blondin

  • 17th September 2011
    The Pershing boxcar is under painting in the wood workshop. It need sliding lateral doors and will be available for service.

    Works on wagon Works on wagon

  • 5th September 2011
    The TM603 Decauville locomotive join the museum and will be visible during the National Heritage Day on September 18th.

    TM603 Decauville TM603 Decauville

  • 28th August 2011
    The TM603 Decauville locomotive is under cosmetic overhaul. This works are made by our young volunteers. A nice project that will complete the mining vehicles in the museum. One of the two green carriage, that was replaced by the new end balcony carriages put in service this summer, is being modified as a boxcar, just as it was before being a passengers carriage. It'll conserve one end balcony and use on special steam train or to carry bicycles.

    TM603 Decauville Works on wagon Works on wagon

  • 25th July 2011
    Overhaul of Pershing bogies used under our coaches is a permanent task for the confort of our passengers. In the same way, we actually modify a bogie to replace oil boxes by ball bearings boxes. It will be tested soon before to modify severals bogies. One of the two new end balcony coaches made a test run today after some minors modifications before to enter service in a few days. The second coach is nearly finished.

    Pershing bogie Modification on Pershing boxes New passengers coach test run

  • 25th June 2011
    A bicycle road will take place between Péronne and the Somme bay. Some works are made on the towpath along the railway line between Froissy workshop and Cappy station. Workshop crossing rails has been replaced before this roadworks.

    Works on crossing Works on crossing New towpath New towpath New towpath

  • 13th June 2011
    After the big event from 2d to 5th June to celebrate the 40 years of our railway, a small ceremony took place today at Cappy station. On 13th June 1971, the first train ran along the Somme river. So today, on 13th June 2011, exactly 40 years later, with Madam Noëlle Delebassée, Mayor of Cappy, a train with Diesel T21 and 2 coaches arrive at Cappy at 10.30 a.m. for the official re-opening of the station. This is this Diesel locomotive and those 2 coaches (a little bit modified since 1971) that were used to do the first train 40 years ago. And the driver was Bernard Lacaule, one of the 3 men that create our preservation society, who drove the first train himself in 1971 ! After some speech, a special free train ran for Cappy inhabitants.

    T21 out of the museum Starting T21 Bernard Lacaule On the way to Cappy On the way to Cappy On the way to Cappy The train is waiting for at Cappy station Arrival at Cappy Opening, 40 years later... Opening, 40 years later... T21 Speech Special train for Cappy inhabitants 3 colors... Special train for Cappy inhabitants

  • 19th April 2011
    Tamping on the plateau was made today. At the workshop, the Decauville platform with side is nearly finished. Another good restoration job you'll certainly see in freight trains during special events.

    Dompierre Decauville platform

  • 16th April 2011
    The frame and wheels of Vulcan 0-8-0 were high pressure washed. On the Plateau, the track rebuilt during last winter was ballasted.

    Vulcan frame Ballasting Ballasting Ballasting Ballasting Ballasting Ballasting

  • 3rd April 2011
    The first train of the season ran today, hauled by Franco-Belge 0-8-0. First passengers of the year were particularely interested by heritage vehicles as they were members of an old Renault car club (Club des Amateurs d'anciennes Renault - CAR). A lot of very nice vintage cars find a place on the museum car park. Another group travel on this train, as the Groupe d'Etude du Modelisme à voie Métrique et Etroite (GEMME) AGM takes place in the museum during the morning. In the workshop, works continue and the new coach has receive its platform ends and roof.

    Franco-Belge 0-8-0 Steam train at Dompierre Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars Old cars GEMME group New passengers coach

  • 26th March 2011
    The two Péchot bogies have been painted and assembled. It's now ready for service. Before to built the roof, wiring for light, sound and alarm system is made on the new coach.

    Péchot bogies New passengers coach

  • 11th March 2011
    Some track works take place in the Zig-Zag section, while some repairs have been made on Péchot bogie actually overhauled at the workshop.

    Track works Péchot bogie

  • 12th February 2011
    Young members, after working on the 080 Vulcan tender frame, start to overhaul a Péchot bogie. Before to replace 080 Vulcan tender frame on its wheels, all brake parts are put together. After sand blasting and painting, 080 Vulcan cab has been rebuilt. In the carpentry, work continue on the new coach windows, while works on carriages shed tracks has been completed.

    Péchot bogie Vulcan tender frame Vulcan cab Vulcan cab New passengers coach Works on track

  • 29th January 2011
    Track works were organized just in the workshop area to replace sleepers on carriages shed tracks. In the wood workshop, windows are put on the new coach body. In the workshop, 080 Vulcan tender frame has wheels again, while a new cab front is built.

    Works on track Works on track New passengers coach Vulcan cab Vulcan tender frame

  • 22d January 2011
    The Vulcan 080 frame was lifted to remove wheels. On the tender frame, all axles boxes has been overhauled.

    Vulcan tender frame Vulcan frame

  • 18th December 2010
    An other section has been rebuilt close to the end of the line. The track has been laid today under the snow.

    Track works at Dompierre Track works at Dompierre Track works at Dompierre Track works at Dompierre Track works at Dompierre

  • 14th December 2010
    Work on the track in the Zig-Zag being completed, the track has been rebuilt on the section after the Plateau loop.

    Works train Track rebuilt on the Plateau

  • 7th December 2010
    After excavation works, the track is rebuilt on the upper part of the Zig-Zag.

    Track works in the Zig-Zag Track works in the Zig-Zag

  • 4th December 2010
    A bogie Decauville frame is under restoration. It will be rebuilt with side, as on wagons used during WW1 by French army. In the workshop, Pershing bogies are under overhaul, while outdoor the snow is well established in the valley and on the Plateau, where excavation works has been made where the track will be rebuilt.

    Decauville wagon Works on Pershing bogie Snow Snow Snow Excavation works Snow

  • 2d December 2010
    A second working site has started today on the upper part of the Zig-Zag which will be completely rebuilt. And the snow arrive today...

    Removing track in the Zig-Zag Removing track in the Zig-Zag

  • 21st November 2010
    Works on track start yesterday by removing a section just after the Plateau loop. In the workshop, volunteers work on the Vulcan n°8 frame. Connecting rods has been remove before lift up the frame. The tender body just came back from sand blasting in a local workshop. The cab will now be sand blasted too. In the wood workshop, the floor of the second end blacony coach is actually built.

    Removing track Vulcan frame Vulcan tender Vulcan tender New coach

  • 16th October 2010
    The tender frame of steam locomotive n°8 is actually in overhaul in the workshop. Painting will start soon as work continue on mobile parts (wheels, brake components). Our volunteer carpenter is close to finish the first end balcony new coach. He actually replace some screws by brass one. A long time work ! On the third picture, you can see the new coach park just next to the old green one it'll replace. The body of the second end balcony coach is arrived in the carpentry. Work will start soon.

    Vulcan Tender New passengers coach New and old passengers coach Passengers coach body

  • 24th September 2010
    There was a lot of activity at Froissy museum on this friday evening : the local TV (France 3 Picardie) park its mobile control room and spotlights for a live TV program just before 7 p.m. 2 days before our steam event, this was an opportunity to show a report made 2 weeks before about our footplate experience program, and of course to talk about our society and our line. Bernard Lacaule, one of the founder member of our society, still here 40 years later, and David Blondin, our secretary, reply to Thibaut Rysman questions. We equally had a 2 minutes live in the local news program just after 7 p.m. The report about footplate experience was broadcast on saturday 25th during the national news programm at noon.

    TV at Froissy TV at Froissy TV at Froissy TV at Froissy TV at Froissy

  • 17th September 2010
    Following a special request from a local bank which wished to organize a special day for its managers, a special steam train ran today. The end of the travel was unusual as four air balloon from France-Mongolfière company awaited the participants after their arrival in Dompierre terminus.

    Train & Air balloon Train & Air balloon Train & Air balloon Train & Air balloon Train & Air balloon

  • 24th July 2010
    The body of the second new passengers coach is in construction in the workshop, while woodworks and electricity continue on the first one. The tunnel portal on the village side has been cleaned.

    Passengers coach body New passengers coach Cappy tunnel

  • 11th July 2010
    The construction of the body of the second end balcony coach start with the roof. It is seen here on the frame of this coach, already built at the beginning of 2010. The frame of Vulcan n°8 tender has been return to continue its restoration. The body of the tender has been send to sand blasting in an external workshop. The new passengers coach go out of the workshop to take some pictures. A lot of work need to be achieved : interior equipments, electricity, roof... But it already looks like it will be.

    Passengers coach frame Vulcan tender New passengers coach New passengers coach New passengers coach

  • 1st July 2010
    The boiler and the cab of 080 Vulcan n°8 were removed from the frame. Last measurements to complete the drawing of a new boiler were took and the order has been placed. A Péchot flat wagon has been restored and placed on two bogies already overhauled.

    Vulcan frame Vulcan cab Vulcan boiler Péchot wagon

  • 5th and 6th June 2010
    The second edition of our fireman training course took place on 5th and 6th June. The saturday saw theoretical part : rules, fire, water, technical data, etc. It was a busy day with a lot of exchanges between trainees and J-P. Demailly, the boiler specialist. On Sunday, two steam locomotives were fired, the 080 Franco-Belge for the training course and the 080 Borsig for regular service. The weather was particularly wet, but all participants were fully satisfied with this weekend.

    Fireman training course 2010 Fireman training course 2010 Fireman training course 2010 Fireman training course 2010 Fireman training course 2010

  • 14th May 2010
    060 Decauville n°5 was in charge of a special steam train today. Due to the lenght of the train, there is no problem for this engine to do this job.

    Special steam train Special steam train Special steam train Special steam train

  • 9th May 2010
    The 2009 AGM was organised today in the NG railways museum.


  • 20th April 2010
    The coaches shed was extended more than 10 years ago but the concrete was never done. It's now better !

    Concrete Concrete Concrete

  • 7th April 2010
    Following works on the track last winter, two railway crossing were rebuilt on the new track for farmers.

    Railway crossing Railway crossing Railway crossing

  • 27th March 2010
    The wood extemities of the new passenger coach were delivered and are actually fitted on the body. At the workshop, Vulcan N°8 tender is cleaned before its overhaul. Coferna T25 was cleaned after an intensive use on works train last winter.

    New passenger coach Cleaning N°8 tender Cleaning T25

  • 6th March 2010
    Some finishing works were made today on differents works site. Tamping on the point in the museum area and on the second working site on the Plateau. In the carpentry, all windows were fitted on the new passenger coach, the floor will be fitted soon, while the wood extremities are currently built in a local carpentry. With the sun, the recently built 2 axles high-sided wagon made an appearance outdoor to take some pictures. The final paint is still to be applied.

    Tamping point Tamping point Track tamping on the Plateau Track tamping on the Plateau New passenger coach New high-sided wagon New high-sided wagonx

  • 27th February 2010
    The woodcutter team was in action today to cut some trees just after Cappy tunnel. All the wood was choped and carry by train by the end of the day.

    Cutting trees Cutting trees

  • 25th February 2010
    The 120m lenght rebuilt track on the Plateau was tamping yesterday and today, while the new frame for the second new passenger coach leave the workshop after painting. The new high-sided wagon built at the end of 2009 receive its final paint.

    Track tamping on the Plateau Track tamping on the Plateau New passenger coach frame

  • 13th February 2010
    The construction of the new passenger coach is on the way in the carpentry. Windows are fitted to the body of the coach. At Froissy bridge station, the point was rebuilt and link to the track during the week. Ballasting was made in the afternoon.

    New passenger coach New passenger coach New passenger coach Froissy track works Froissy track works Ballasting the track Ballasting the track Ballasting the track Ballasting the track

  • 6th February 2010
    To date, 260 m of track are tamped and aligned. A second distribution of ballast will be made before a final tamping.

    Track tamping Track tamping Track tamping

  • 3rd February 2010
    Tamping of the first part of rebuilt track on the Plateau is in progress.

    Track tamping Track tamping

  • 30th January 2010
    Following excavation works, the track is actually rebuilt at Froissy bridge station. The point still need to be rebuilt. And the snow visit us again !

    Rebuilding the track at Froissy Rebuilding the track at Froissy Rebuilding the track at Froissy Snow at Froissy Snow at Froissy

  • 27th January 2010
    The second track works on the Plateau (rebuilding of 120 m of track) was linked with the rest of the line today.

    Plateau track works

  • 23rd January 2010
    Some excavation works were made today at Froissy bridge station before to rebuilt the first point of the line.

    Excavation works Excavation works

  • 16th January 2010
    The second works on the Plateau track started today with the removing of rails on 120 m long. Excavation works will be made next saturday. In the workshop, a new frame for a passengers coach is in construction, while works is in progress on Vulcan n°8 tender, before cleaning and sand blasting. In the carpentry, the new passenger coach was in volunteers hands to prepare the floor.

    Rails removed on the Plateau Rails removed on the Plateau New frame New frame New frame N°8 tender N°8 tender

  • 9th January 2010
    The snow has now desappeared, but the cold is still here. That's with an icy wind that the track on the Plateau was ballasted today. Coferna T25 Diesel was used to hauled ballast wagon from Dompierre terminus. The totality of the new track was ballasted before a deserved lunch at 1 p.m.

    Ballasting the track Ballasting the track Ballasting the track Ballasting the track Ballasting the track Ballasting the track

  • 7th January 2010
    The point replaced near the coaches shed was connected and ballasted today.

    Connecting the point Ballasting the point Ballasting the point