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Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre
Flash news 2005
- 23:07 17/12/05
Trackworks on the Plateau continue with the carrying of the new point for the loop. The main track of this loop is now completely dismantled and dismantling of the track beetwen the crossroad and the curve continue. Track dismantling will be achieve by the end of december and a weekend of trackwork will be organize at the beginning of january to prepare the trackbed for the new track.
In the same time, work continue at the workshop on the Decauville frame. Wheels are now back on the frame and reassembly of connecting rods is in progress.

- 22:25 03/12/05
Trackworks on the "Plateau" start today with unloading of 30 kg/m rail and the dismantling of the track. The section beetwen the curve, when the line meet the road, to the crossroad will be completely renewed (rail, sleepers and ballast). The Plateau loop track beetwen the two points will be renewed too. Finally, the Dompierre side point of this loop will be changed for a new one just built at the workshop with 30 kg/m rail. Two trains were on line for this works. One with the Billard T31 and the Permanent Way workshop wagon. The other one with the Plymouth T34 just repaint at the workshop and 2 lorrys for rail carrying.

- 12:25 25/09/05
Some pictures of works at Froissy workshop on saturday 24th september :
The frame of our old electric generator (used when the worshop has no electricity in the 70's), is now available following the sale of its Bernard petrol engine. It'll be modified and will become a small flat wagon with ends. It'll be used during steam festival for industrial train display.
The Plymouth diesel engine actually receive a new paint. It'll be ready for works trains next winter.
The 2 bogies of one of the miner's coaches saved last years at Merlebch was modified for 60cm gauge. Merlebach's vehicles was on 57 cm gauge. The second coach will be modified during next winter.
And last, one more Péchot flat wagon is actually restored and will receive 2 alreday restored bogies.

- 23:18 15/08/05
Used only during winter works and far from passengers eyes, works trains needs sometime a "cosmetic overhaul". All start with a high pressure water cleaning before paintwork. Ballast wagon and Plymouth diesel engine should have a better appearence during next winter.
Work on the new bogies coache make good progress with volunteers help, even during operating day. Barbara and Norman Cooper, two "young" volunteers from UK, took part to this job during their holydays in Cappy and give us a good help.

- 17:12 20/06/05
Cappy town council has installed, with our help, a 60 cm gauge wagon at the main crossroad of the village. This "monument" was erected in remembrance of the narrow gauge used in Cappy village, among others things, in the stone quarry and still used today by the "P'tit train de la Haute Somme".

- 23:29 13/06/05
Some shunting on AGM day, May 22nd, was the occasion to see outside the tramway coache from Valenciennes, usually parked in the carriage shed. Just the time to take some pictures and it go back to the shed on another track !
Works on the 060 Decauville Nr 1652 continue. Wheels are out of the frame which was turned to work on frame water tanks. Wheels will go to an external workshop to be reprofiled.

- 23:16 26/02/05
The 080 Franco-Belge has passed with success his ten years boiler inspection. We've now to fitt all piece on the engine to make the steam test at the beginning of April. The cab inside was repaint, the cab floor will be rebuilt, etc. And that's OK for ten years !
A new point was built for Cappy station loop. The tunnel side point was replace last year, this is now the Froissy side point to be replace.

- 22:39 04/02/05
Big activity on the railway during this january saturday :
- Construction of a steel sleepers track for the "Sapinière" yard.
- Restoration of an industrial wagon.
- Work on the line to remove some trees falled after a storm in december.
- Work on the 080 Franco-Belge for its ten years boiler inspection.
