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° The 7"1/4 railway
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  ° Actuality (french)
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° APPEVA society
° Voie Etroite review

 Version française Deutsche Übersetzung Nederlandse versie

Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre

Some links...

Close to the railway...:

To find accomodations...

To find a place to eat...

To find information about other place to visit...

Some other railways...

This is just a selection of railways society close of us, you can find more links to www.VoieEtroite.com, website of Voie Etroite review published by APPEVA volunteers.

About WW1 :

Some place, museum and websites to visit...

Modelism society...

To find more website links visit Voie Etroite review website, published by APPEVA :
Please, send us by e-mail new links or inform us for eventual dead links. Thanks.