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Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre
Flash news 2007
- 28th October 2007
On the 28th of october, it was the last train of the 2007 season, booked by a group, and the last day of the boiler certificate of Krauss built steam locomotive N°4. So it was the perfect day to have a specail steam train with N°4 up to Dompierre. It was a rare and ultimate moment for N°4, usually used on the first part of the line.

- 28th August 2007
The 060 Decauville, a Péchot frame and a Pershing bowcar, was loaded today on a lorry to go to the light & sound show at Anzin Saint Aubin, near d'Arras. This show will be on 31st august, 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th september. More information to www.acnspectacle.com

- 13th August 2007
A running test up to the end of the line took place on monday 13th August with the Decauville n°5. 3 wagons were hauled up to the Zig-Zag loop. The aim was to check the good running of the engine on all points, curves, crossroads, etc., to see its comportment when going down to Cappy, and also about firing. No problem was noted. This engine will no go often on this section, but will certainly go beetwen Cappy station and the Zig-Zag loop during steam events.
- 8th August 2007
The Pershing high-sided wagon receive its doors. It now only needs the locking system. A Péchot frame was completely repainted by our young members and has received 2 bogies overhauled by the same team. Another one, visible in the background, is on the way. A steam test of the KDL n°10, on saturday 4th august, was an opportunity to have a steam service on the first part of the line on this day usually only with Diesel service. The first train, and its Diesel engine, were hauled to Cappy station by n°10.
- 29th July 2007
With the help of some members on holydays and due to the necessity to have new drivers on the recently overhauled Decauville, 2 steam engines were on service this day. The 080 n°4 (Krauss) and 060 n°5 Decauville share passengers trains and a freight train during a day enjoyed by all volunteers.
- 24th July 2007
Paint of the "workshop wagon" is finished. It just need to be numbered and to receive wood on its floor. It's now on the ex-TPT bogies which was overhauled.

- 14th July 2007
The train run now everydays, except on mondays. Works at the workshop continue on the new high-sided Pershing wagon which just need its doors to be completed. As it'll be use to store old metal parts, the inside receive metal sheets to protect it.
An old tramcar frame will be re-used as a workshop wagon to move and store engine parts or to carry rails. Our young members actually paint it, and 2 ex-TPT (Tramway de Pithiviers à Toury) bogies are overhauled for it.
- 2nd June 2007
The spring steam event is now finished and works continue. The permanent way wagon used by the Sucrerie de Dompierre, which had been built on a pershing high-sided wagon, will be restored in its original form. Due to ist poor condition and the fact that we don't need it as a van, it was decided to restore it as a high-sided wagon.
In the wood workshop, volunters works on the second "new generation" coach . The body was painted and they now give attention to the floor.
The Decauville n°5, star of the last steam event, is actually in the workshop for a checking and some adjustments following its first operating days.
- 1st May 2007
The recently restored 0-6-0T Decauville N°5 has made its first commercial train today. The last revival of a steam engine was 10 years ago, with the return in service of the 0-8-0+T Franco-Belge. The Decauville has a good power and run well. She'll be a worthy replacement of the 0-8-0T DFB N°4.
- 24th March 2007
Second test runs for the 060 Decauville today, with a small sugar beet train (lots of longer trains like this one are expected soon !). About all small matters discover during the first run was solved, and works will continue this week. The 080 DFB was fired up to meet the Decauville one time before the end of its boiler certificate. Two steam engine in March, it was unique. Unfortunately, weather was not really good. The two steam engine go up to the new bridge which saw its first steam engine.
- 16th March 2007
A big step was made today on the rebirth of the 060 Decauville n°1652, built in 1916. She was fired up for the first time this morning and did some runs on the workshop tracks. The new boiler make a lot of steam and the pressure go up without matters. The safety valves was tested.
Some adjustments had to be made and some items to be finished and she will be ready for the 2007 season ! She will certainly be the star of the steam event on next May, 27th.
- 3rd March 2007
The track has been rebuilt n the new bridge and some sleepers was changed before the bridge. The line is now open to Dompierre.
At the workshop, we install the injectors and the last pipes on the Decauville. The first steaming of this engine will come soon...
- 23rd February 2007
The bridge has been replaced by a new one today. A 30 tons crane was used and all the operation takes no more than 1h30. The fence has been installed during the afternoon and rebuilding of the track will be made for the 4th march.

- 10th February 2007
The track has been removed on the steel bridge over Chuignes village road. It will be replace by a new bridge by the end of February.
The Decauville looks like a steam engine again with the return of its water tank and cab. We actually work on putting back all pipes.
