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Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre
Flash news 2009
- 29th December 2009
The last 50 meters of track on the Plateau were laid today. The line is now reconnected to Dompierre terminus. Ballasting will be made in January.

- 19th December 2009
Programme of the day : Track laying in Siberia ! 2 hours were necessary to the works train to join the Plateau. Coferna N°25 need to travel light first before to haul its train to the Plateau. Only 60 meters were laid today. At the workshop, the new high-sided wagon was completed ; no picture for the moment, it'll be a surprise ! A new frame for a passengers coach will be built, while the body of the new passenger coach actually built will be fitted really soon.

- 17th December 2009
105 meters were laid today, this time under the snow.

- 15th December 2009
The track start to be laid today on the Plateau with a -5°C temperature, but with sunshine. 75 meters were laid.

- 12th December 2009
Today was an intensive works day and saw excavation works on the Plateau prior to track laying. This day take ends with the replacement of the point just at the end of coaches shed with help of headlights. During that time, several team were working at the workshop, particularly on N°8 steam locomotive tender to separate body from the frame. All equipments of the frame were removed. The new high-sided wagon being nearly finished.

- 24th November 2009
Several works will be made on the track this winter. The most important being the complete renewal of 300 m on the Plateau section. The track was first remove today, following the unloading of the new rails.

- 12th November 2009
One more time, it was necessary to work on the track close to the workshop because of the tree pushing on it.

- 7th November 2009
A new high-sided wagon is built at the workshop. In fact this is more a rebuilt than a new one as it's built on a high-sided wagon original frame which was cut years ago. This wagon will be different than high-sided wagons already restored. Wait and see... The modified open coach go out of the wood workshop today. The difference with the red one waiting for modification is easily visible. There was also works on the Froissy bridge station track and last point.

- 31st October 2009
The modification of one of our two open coaches is nearly finished. After this work, this coaches will have the same size as our new coaches. The body of the new coach was painted. As soon as possible, an order will be placed to a local capentry for all wood parts that we can't built ourselves.

- 17th September 2009
The body of the new closed coach is built at the workshop, while ballast was delivered just before Cappy station.

- 1st September 2009
Like each year in september, one of our steam locomotive and two wagons are load on a lorry to go to Arras suburban for a Sound & Light show during 3 weekend. Following the move of this show from Anzin St Aubin to St Laurent Blangy a completely new track was built.
- 28th August 2009
Decauville railways were first use in farm. To remember this and the fifty years of the Haute Somme railway use by the sugar factory, there was an idea to take part to the 2009 harvest by carrying bales of straw. With the help of a local farmer, Georges Noyelles, who had its fields along our line, bales of straw were carried beetwen the Plateau and its farm, close to our bridge in Cappy village. 30 bales of straw were load on 3 flat wagons, being an extra size loading which passengers of regular train were suprised to cross. T25 Coferna diesel locomotive was used for this train, being in original 1942 condition. A new activity for the P'tit train de la haute Somme ? Why not !

- 25th July 2009
Plymouth engine was removed from the frame to overhaul the clutch, while the new closed coach frame receive paint.

- 1st June 2009
On the day just after our spring steam event, a special mixed steam train was booked by a swiss enthusiast group.

- From 21st to 26th May 2009
Our 060 Decauville visit the Leighton Buzzard Railway, our UK twinned railway, at the end of May. This railway organise a special event with WW1 locomotives from May 23rd to 25th for the 90 years of its line. The CFCD Decauville hauled passengers trains and meet a 080 DFB from North Gloucestershire Railway and the 460 Baldwin n°778, a LBR resident. During 3 days the Decauville hauled 4 coaches and the 040 "PC Allen", used for the air brake on the train. CFCD firemen and driver really enjoy to drive on this interesting line.

- 16th & 17th May 2009
The first P'tit train de la Haute Somme fireman training course took place last weekend. A theorical training, with example on some locomotives dsplayed in the museumn, took place on saturday. The lunch was served in the museum refreshment room, a superb place with an unique view on the museum. All theorical training were conducted by a boiler inspection specialist. On sunday, the 080 Franco-Belge was fired specially for the training course, the 060 Decauville beeing the engine on normal service that day. Trainee firemen took part to the preparation of the engine under supervision of two steam driver of the railway. Supplementary training about water treatment and thermodynamic took place during the morning. On the afternoon, a special mixed train operate beetwen regular trains, allowing to each trainee fireman to have a footplate experience, including through the tunnel. Each trainee fireman really enjoy this weekend and go back home with an official certificate !

- 7th May 2009
The mine rescue vehicle restoration was finished today. This vehicle is equiped with its original stretcher. It will complete mining vehicle already in exhibition in the museum or industrial train display during steam event.

- 26th April 2009
The second edition of the "p'tit train de la Haute Somme run", organised with "AMAAC", a local sport club, was a new success despite a wet morning. Two trains were on the line to carry about 300 people from Dompierre to Froissy station. Two diesel train run on the afternoon.

- 22d April 2009
During a test run of the 080+T Franco-Belge, the permanent way train working on the Plateau section was hauled by a steam engine.

- 25th March 2009
The new crossing was ballasted and tamped today.

- 21st March 2009
A new crossing was built on the Plateau to allow farmer to go in its field. At the workshop, overhaul of the two open coaches is near the end. The first one is seen out of the carriages shed.

- 18th March 2009
The lower Froissy station point was completely overhauled with new mobile parts.

- 21st February 2009
The permanent way team was today beetwen the tunnel and Cappy bridge to replace some sleepers.

- 31st January 2009
The tamping of the track is now completed. A new ballasting and tamping operation will be made when some trains will have run on the track and when temperature will be positive ! In the carriages shed, wood works on the second renovated open coache has start. The first coach, the red one, just need its roof and seats to be installed. At the workshop, the construction of a 9 m long frame for a new end balcony coach make good progress.

- 18th January 2009
With the help of some days of thaw, the ballasting and tamping of the renovated section of track was finally made..

- 3rd January 2009
While the river along our railway is completely iced, works on the renovated section of track will be made later. At the workshop, the frame of the mine rescue vehicle is painted after the modification of its axles. Wood ends of one of the two renovated open coaches are nearly completed, while new wood seats are installed.
Some works are made outdoor, rails removed on the renovated section of track, just before Cappy station, will replace rails on the ramp between Museum and Froissy station.
