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Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre
Flash news 2008
- 23rd December 2008
The renovated section of track is now connected on the Cappy station side. At the workshop, axles of the mine rescue vehicle are modified to 60 cm gauge (original gauge 57 cm) while its frame is repainted.

- 18th December 2008
The construction of the section of renovated track is finished. Connection with the track on the Cappy side will need special rails because of the different rail profil. The ballasting and tamping of the track will be made in the beginning of January.

- 13th December 2008
It's by a cold and wet day that around 10 volunteers work on the track just before Cappy station. A backhoe loader was used for excavation works and to carry sleepers. Rails were put on sleepers on the afternoon to avoid heavy handworks for the week team. At the workshop, some volunteers start winter works on steam locomotives. In the carriages shed, the two open coaches required some arms. On first the floor is nearly finished, while painting is in hand over the second.

- 25th November 2008
Rails and sleepers of the track section to be renewed has been removed. Excavation works will take place in mid-december, follow by the construction of the new track.

- 15th November 2008
The track works of this winter was prepared today by distributing rails. The second open coach is now in the workshop, while the first one receive a new paint. The mine ambulance from the last french coal mine at Merlebach saw its inside receiving a new paint. The dismantling of Vulcan 080 continue as the superheaters and steam dome were removed.

- 8th November 2008
Open passengers coaches VB02 et VB03 are actually overhauled in the workshop. The roof will be 10 cm higher to be at the same height than recently build coaches, wood parts will be changed and all the paint will be new. Works on the 080 Vulcan start today. The first job is to have a free access to the boiler to have all measurements to built a new one.

- 25th October 2008
The 080 Vulcan-Werke (n°3852/1925) leave the musem today for a very short travel to the railway workshop. Works to restore this locomotive in working order are to start very soon. It is hope to see it running in 2011 for the 40 years of the railway... It was an unique chance to see this locomotive with the 080 Franco-Belge actually in service order and to imagine a double head in a few years !

- 14th September 2008
Today, we receive the bad news of Dave Brewer's death. Dave was member of the Leighton Buzzard Railway, of the Greenwich and District Narrow Gauge Railway Society, and of the P'tit train de la Haute Somme. Dave work for the twinning of the P'tit train de la Haute Somme and the LBR.
A ceremony was organised in its memory during our steam event on September, 28th 2008.

- 25th August 2008
On monday 25th of august, a special mixed train, hauled by Diesel engine Billard T31, was booked by members of the Greenwich and District Narrow Gauge Railway Society. It's rare to see this engine with a passenger train, being most used on trackworks trains.

- 21st July 2008
In mid-July, we heard about the death of Gaston Braillon, oldest volunteer of APPEVA. He was 94 years old.

- 24th May 2008
May 24th was a particular day with a group from IFC (International Ferroviaire Club) joining us by TGV and coach via TGV Haute Picardie station, situated just 10 minutes from our railway. On the morning a mixed train was hauled by a Diesel engine (T24) and, after a lunch in a local restaurant, the same train go to Dompierre behind our 080+T Franco-Belge. Photographers were enjoyed by this special trains. A stop at the workshop and a guided tour of the museum were also organised.

- 10th May 2008
The Fédération Française de Modélisme Ferroviaire (National model railway society) has for the first time organised a members meeting on May 10th. The P'tit train de la Haute Somme site was choosed being well situated beetwen Paris and Lille. Where 150 people were expected, 400 were registred ! Modeling works display, members sale were installed in the Narrow Gauge Museum. A lunch was taken on the plateform by a sunny day. 2 special diesel trains and one steam train ran on the afternoon. Some layouts were in the museum too. It was a good family day for everyone.

- 26th April 2008
The 080 Borsig go out ot the workshop today after its ten years overhaul and a new paint. She's ready for 2008 season. The new passengers coach is ready to use too. Works on the next one will be able to start.

- 27th March 2008
The new works train arrived! The reform last year of a passengers coach allows to have a mess coach on the works train. After some works inside, this coach will be ready for next track works on the line.

- 22d March 2008
Steam test of our steam engines before the season was done. The 080 Franco Belge, which saw its connecting rod completely overhauled this winter, is ready for service. The Coferna T24 Diesel engine is on its wheels again. The clutch must be reassemble before test runs.
- 8th March 2008
The new passengers coach start to see the end of its construction. Control of passengers coaches at the workshop continue, while the Coferna T25 Diesel engine is check before its first train.

- 19th February 2008
The 080 Borsig is ready for paint before reassembly. The assembly of the new passengers coach sides began. All passengers coaches have a general visit in the workshop before the beginning of the season.

- 26th January 2008
Volunters are actually in charge of some winter works at the workshop : Overhaul of connecting rods on the 080 Franco-Belge, wheels and clutch of the Tatra T24 Diesel engine have been removed to be overhauled, 080 Borsig is dismantled for its ten years overhaul, smoketube has been changed on the boiler. In the wood workshop, the new passengers coach wait for its wood side built by a local carpentry.
