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Le P'tit train de la Haute Somme
Froissy - Cappy - Dompierre
Flash news 2003
- December 2003
Work on track and at the workshop start with the end of the season. A 2-axles wagon was completely restored, and after some days in the wood workshop, it'll join our freight trains during steam festival.
Some rails was changed and track was upgrade in the middle part of the Zig-Zag. Our track team wagon is quite useful for track works and enable us to have all tools and an electric generator on site.

- Last day steam festival (September, 28th)
The last operating day steam festival took place on September 28 with a modified program because of mechanical problem on 262 Alco-Cooke, but with an intersting program for photographs with a very special "Sugar train" (Coferna T25 + 3 pershing wagons) which run to the end of the line and steam-steam and steam-diesel double-head just for the pleasure.
Our twin friends from Leighton Buzzard Railway came and took part to the operation of the railway on steam engine or brake-van with franco-english team.
A lot of people take their lunch in the museum which was open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., our team was really busy during this last day !
- 13:19 23/09/03
The 3rd participation of P'tit train de la Haute Somme to National Heritage Day was a success with more than 700 visitors ! 4 departure in the afternoon was full and people was really interesting by guided visit in Museum and workshop. Outdoor display with little diesel engine used some new wagons just restored by our young boy team.
Visit our National Heritage Day special page to see pictures of this event.
The Spoorijzer engine from our friends of Kissing Garten Bahn is always at Froissy and will be used during our 28th september steam gala. Their Gmeinder engine will certainly come next season.
- 09:49 11/08/03
The arrival of one-cylinder Gmeinder diesel engine from Kissing Garten Bahn finally did not take place. The trailer to transport it was not ready ! It should however join Froissy during September and take part to the steam festival at the end of season, on september 28th. While waiting, Spoorijzer engine from KGB is always there and can run for demonstrations in the museum yard.
The only nuisance because of high temperatures, certain rails around the turn-bridge have being ground. The temperatures "out-standards" caused a dilation such as the rails were touched and... the turn-bridge did not turn any more!
- 18:52 10/06/03
Visitors came for the steam festival, last 8 June, could appreciate animations presented in the museum (model railway exhibition, scottish music, RH&DR stand...), and on the line. Timetable was respected by trains and the 8 passengers trains, hauled by 2-6-2 Alco-Cooke and 0-8-0 Franco-Belge, took their candidates to a travel out of time.
2 other engines hauled goods trains between the museum station and the zig-zag. The resident 20HP Simplex and Spoorijzer from Kissing Garten Bahn (Germany) were used for demonstrations on the ways outsides of the museum.
Photos of this steam festival are available on events page.
The next steam festival will take place on Sunday September 28th and will be last operating day of the 2003 season of P' tit train of the upper Somme.
- 19:47 15/05/03
The season 2003 is now well started and reinforced publicity seems to give good results. We had the honors of local TV "France 3" on 1st of May, as well as local newspaper "Courrier Picard". We also took part in a tourism forum at Péronne in order to make the promotion of the train.
All the available vehicles being now in service, we're now working on preparation of the steam gala of next 8 June whose program was still recently updated by our German friends from KGB (Kissing Garten Bahn) who will visit our railway with a small Spoorijzer Diesel engine. It should be noted that the KGB will also visit us during the weekend of August 3, with 2 diesel engine this time.
The museum, which is in its 8th season, is actually "refreshed" with a new painting on reception area walls.
Track before "Z" highest point was rebuilt with 30 kg/m rail.

- 19:10 16/04/03
After a great spring-cleaning of the museum and passengers coaches, the season started with the circulation of the first special trains of groups at the beginning of April.
In order to satisfy the first special steam trains taking place before the beginning of regular circulations, the workshop team activates itself to put in service order the steam engines.
Two little crane will be installed in the workshop area allowing the handling and the unloading of loads from a truck or a train.
Track on the Plateau was returned to the exploitation department after an operation of leveling, the completions are in hand.
- 11:09 27/02/03
Works on track close to the workshop are completed.
New track on the "Plateau" is close to be achived.
New frame built in workshop is completed while finitions one brakevan are in progress.
Little works on steam engines before season has start.

- 13:02 21/01/03
Track and point close to the workshop have been rebuilt on new sleepers.
Work on the 200 m lenght rebuilt track on the "Plateau" is in progress.
Body of the modified brakevan is close to be completed. Windows, seats and other details will follow...

- 13:46 30/12/02
Installation of a new point on 30 kg/m rail was done on 28th of december.
The trackbed was prepared on 200 meter lenght on the "Plateau" to built an all new track.
The 20 kg/m rail point remove on the "Plateau" loop was carry down to the workshop to be rebuilt on new sleepers and installed.
In the workshop, which have a front with new wood plank (It seems like a swiss chalet !), work on the modified brakevan is in progress, as on the frame built all new for a passenger coach.

- 16:04 16/12/02
A point built near the workshop, was carry by train to the Plateau loop where it'll be installed.
A 200 meter lenght of track has been removed on the plateau and will be rebuilt with new sleepers and rails after cleaning of the trackbed.
The track along workshop has been removed to be correctly rebuilt, because of a big tree who push the track. The main line, on the other side of that tree, will be rebuilt too.
The point given access to the shed will be replaced.

- 14:30 10/12/02
Birth of this page !
